Bearded Men Know figure in the KFC logo
Who does not know with KFC, the fried chicken franchise Kentucky Fried Chickenkepanjanganya is this is wrong atu most famous fried chicken products worldwide.outlets numbered tens of thousands, even millions of them scattered all over theworld.

But this time, which I will discuss is not the fried chicken, but the bearded figure in thelogo of KFC. Maybe it's a lot of people who directly identifies images that beardedman with a KFC, but do not know who he really is.

He is Colonel Harland Sanders, inventor of original recipe KFC. He was born onSeptember 9, 1890 and actively began mewaralabakan (franchise) chicken businessat the age of 65. Today, his business, known as Kentucky Fried Chicken or KFC ®has grown into one of the largest fast food systems in the world. Colonel Sanders, apioneer in the fast-food restaurant has become a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit.
Actually he was a U.S. army soldier, but after retiring, he did not have any money tomembagun business, and that he had was the ability to cook and to cook fried chicken recipe that is second to none, he then offers a recipe to many restaurants.Until finally grown rapidly until now by the name KFC.
More than a billion chicken dinners are served annually Colonel. And it's not just inNorth America. Is available in 80 countries worldwide.