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Woww ... Brazilian Girls virginity Rp 63 Million Sale!

Posted by B_cak mastrans - -

Brussels: The development of IT technologies are making humans more easily communicate and get information on anything and anywhere with anyone. A girl student of Brazilian also use it. But to sell itself.

A 20-year-old student who refused to mention who he advertised himself to sell her virginity for £ 4500 or about USD 63 million. In advertisements in the virtual world on Thursday (5 / 5), the girl who calls herself the name Noelle only specifies itself as a sweet girl, innocent, and have the imagination 'wild'. Noelle also said he was ready to serve the buyers for 24 hours straight! To convince prospective buyers, Noelle put the photos in a style that is very challenging.

Want a date with Noelle? Its condition was not too difficult. Brazilian girl was 'only' proposed requirement would he want to pay for groceries and eat in restaurants so choice.

When interviewed by Belgium's Panorama magazine, Noelle requested anonymity. The reason, because she feared her parents would be furious if you know this works. "I just like other teenagers. My friends thought I was great still able to maintain virginity until this moment. However, I think this is the beginning of life for me. Actually, all I'm doing this just for the sake of an intimate relationship," he said .

Source: (Dailymail / Vin)

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